Trademark Package Price
Our promo trademark package rates are:
You are a big entity if your assets are worth more than P100 Million.
Package Inclusions
TRIPS shall provide you trademark services from the filing of a single-class trademark application, up to the registration of the mark in the Philippine Intellectual Property Office's registry of marks. The package fee includes the following:
1. Our professional fees, which cover almost a two-year period for the following work:
a) File the single class trademark application with the IPO;
b) Preparation of the required Formal Drawings;
c) Preparation of the Special Power of Attorney empowering TRIPS or to file and prosecute the application;
d) Follow-ups with the IPO regarding the status of the application;
e) Filing of responses to the Trademark Examiners' Registrability Reports;
f) Response to the IPO's Notice of Allowance and Publication for purposes of Opposition
g) Monitoring of the application’s publication;
h) Monitoring of any opposition to the mark;
i) Response to the IPO’s Notice of Issuance and Publication, after the subject mark has been approved for publication in the IPO's Official Gazette;
j) Constant monitoring of status of the application;
k) Conference with the Trademark Examiner;
l) Securing of the Certificate of Registration; and
m) Filing of 3rd year Declaration of Actual Use
2. Government fees
3. Expenses (such as photocopying, printing expenses, call & facsimile charges, transportation expenses, representation expenses, mailing charges, etc.)
4. Applicable taxes
No need to worry about expensive fees!
No more surprise hidden charges!
With just P30,000, you can protect your business and have your trademark registered by professionals!
Your P30,000 will ensure protection of your trademark for a full 10 years!!
See! It is not expensive to file and register your trademark! Finally, you can register your brand name!
Call us at 4016392 or e-mail us at so we can file and register your trademark!
We may cater to your special needs. Thus, you may add goods or services falling under a different International Class, or you may claim color. Check out our cheap add-on package rates!!!